100 Sports in 100 Days Sport Relief

archery and target

Think you could name 100 different sports? How about trying 100 different sports in 100 days to showcase just how many sports there are out there? Animator Liu Batchelor is taking on the challenge to do 100 different sports over 100 consecutive days – starting on 11th Dec and finishing on Sat 19th March – the weekend of Sports Relief.

Why is Liu Batchelor trying #100in100 ?

Liu is trying 100 different sports in 100 days to raise money for Sport Relief. Appearing in an interview on BBC South East Today, she says that she wants to inspire people to try a new sport by highlighting just how many different sports are available and how easy it is to participate. Just like the Active Outdoors philosophy, she believes that within any of us there could be a hidden sports champion, if only we gave ourselves the chance to try new things and explore our potential. The reason we may not like sport at the moment is because we haven’t found the right sport for us yet. Liu says that “Even if you are not into ‘traditional’ ‘everyday’ sports, I believe there is a sport out there for everyone!”

#100in100 Progress so far

So, what sports has Liu tried so far? This list of sports will show you the variety of physical activities that are available for fun and fitness.

  1. Aikido
  2. Slalom Skiing
  3. Tai Chi
  4. Waterpolo
  5. Gymnastics
  6. Octopush – Underwater Hockey
  7. Competitive Life Saving
  8. Wheelchair Basketball
  9. Archery
  10. Road Cycling
  11. Wild Swimming
  12. Running
  13. Go Karting
  14. Walking
  15. Frisbee Golf
  16. Squash
  17. Longboarding
  18. Kyokushin Karate
  19. Roller Hockey
  20. Table Tennis
  21. Yoga
  22. Kickboxing
  23. Football
  24. Boxing
  25. Pole Fitness
  26. Bodybuilding
  27. Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Watch Liu Batechelor Trying 100 Sports in 100 Days for Sport Relief

Liu Batchelor 100 sports in 100 days raising money for Sport Relief

What is Sport Relief?

Sport Relief is when the great British public get active and have fun to help change lives. It’s back in March 2016, and people across the UK undertake sports activities and challenges to raise money for the charity.

From the money raised through Sport Relief, half of it is used to help those in need in the UK, whilst the rest goes towards transforming lives across the world’s poorest communities. Examples include:

    • helping children to attend school and get an education
    • helping people get the support they need to improve their mental health
    • providing children with life-saving vaccines
    • funding for 23 projects that support people living with dementia

How can I Donate to Sport Relief?

If you like what Liu Batchelor is doing, you can support her and Sport Relief by donating on the Liu Batchelor #100-100 Just Giving Page.

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