Indoor skydiving

Indoor Skydiving

March 25, 2021 Rob Sayers 0

Indoor Skydiving is the amazing freefall simulation experience created by floating over a powerful vertically mounted fan. Skills – Strength: 4, Balance: 7, Flexibility: 1, [Read More…]

glider coming in to land

Gliding Lessons

March 22, 2021 Rob Sayers 0

Gliding is the most wonderful experience of flying an unpowered plane using just the wind, updrafts and thermals to provide lift. Silently swooping and soaring [Read More…]

Mircolight aircraft


August 19, 2003 Rob Sayers 0

Microlights are ultralight aircraft that look like a small plane or like a hang glider with an undercarriage and propeller at the back. Skills – [Read More…]

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SCAD Jumping

August 12, 2003 Rob Sayers 0

SCAD jumping uses a very big net as a suspended catch air device. Skills – Strength: 1, Balance: 3, Flexibility: 3, Agility: 3, Coordination: 3 [Read More…]